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on the first day I killed all except 2 then the other died from sickness so only one left

Managed to survive with 6 survivors and 28 left over rations with 1 child, 4 farmers and 1 merchant.

bro that one guy just pay 14 ratio :skull:


I did it with only my worker and a soldier and no rations for 5 days


i feel like theres no way to save more than like 3 people.


I just kill anyone who's rude to me and it seems to be working. 8 times out of 10 they're thieves lol. Naturally the food eventually runs out but killing those who have no manners is a little gratifying

I won with 4 survivors. One child, one soldier and two farmers. I only get 2 rations every day and I feed them alternately. Luckily they don't have illness and the child was so polite and comes back only every other day.

I won with only 1 survivor cause i rather trust farmer and worker even kid too)


Won with 2 survivors (farmer and worker). I like the game as much as I hate playing it.


Seems like clicking the gun sometimes does not work at all. As a policy I wanted to shoot thieves, but they would disappear instead of being shot (and return to steal the next day)...

you have to remember their name so you don't let them steal credit or smth



kill evryone exept adult farmers


Prioritize saving the workers and farmers, they help keep the ration supply up, try to keep a soldier or two to prevent violence, kill the children and unemployed as they don't contribute

I finally understood how to play.

My overall gameplay can be resumed in: 8 priority people, 1 murdered (she was the "death by violence" cause), after the 10 people mark all the deaths were by illness, final population of 3 people and around 14 food left (I had more food than population since day 7 even by giving extra).

Farmers, workers and merchants are priority. The firts day people are going to die even if everyone has foodt them die.

Once population is lower than the food you have you can start to be a little humanitarian (if you still have soldiers, children, students or unemployed by then).

If people says they can pay you for an extra ration you'll want to have at least twice the food of the population to give a yes, and it's prefeerable to stay between the 2 and 3 total rations for them; if they insist keep saying no, they'll eventually leave, no need to kill.

But also beware of the "unemployed", if you keep getting deaths by violence it's probably them, and not necessarily the adult ones. There was this Darcy girl who I didn't give rations until day 4 and she always stole an extra ration, once I got fed up with her I shoot and after that deaths by violence stopped...

in the start i chose to kill the elderly and keep the young hardworking(big mistake) I noticed that workers and merchants pay you with creds but I still killed them off starting with the unemployed then the merchants then the workers, I began relying on farmers and kids. It worked out in the end as i ended up with 2 people and one ration a day due to one being a child and one being a farmer. Every day I would alternate who would eat in a schedule, sadly the kid died on the 22nd day and it was just me and the farmer


barely survived with one person

(1 edit) (+2)

this made me look like a bad person, I killed everyone before the 10th day.

(edit:) I barely won with one person about to die

I killed everyone on the first day?!?!? How did you surpress the urge to whip out that shiny pistol?? Can't get past the first day at all without murdering a child or two.

(1 edit)

Saving the farmers produces more rations, but I chose to kill the farmers as it would equal the playing field for thieves and soldiers alike, even killing me would be of no benefit. Merchants are also kept in line and think twice before playing anyone else as supplies are so low and I chose to also eliminate the workng class, they have no structure of corruption to work off of, and they are either forced to engage in farming themselves, or they become their own merchants and ration their own divisions amongst those that have placed them as elitist individuals. Basically, I'm no tyrant, you absolutely have your own way, but from ME is limited. I am pushing them into freedom and independence that they are too lazy to even try for now that money means nothing and I had no interest in bribes. I want supplies. But even I can't have that save a few that I had to use in a legitimate act of selfishness that would NOT go the full 24 days either.

People seemed to hang on pretty well for about 6 days, I can assume children died as none appeared in my legitimate playthrough.

Edit: By killing those brainwashed by the old ways and wanting to latch on to the power structure, It allows new ones of any generation that did not have a place with that previous generation to now have a place, but foolishly, they all did not care for it.

Tip: When they offer money in desperation, that was my license to kill, reset is necessary when society is reduced to nothing by a society that led it there.


They gave me 10 children in a row on Day 3

Survived with 4 people because the game bugged out around day 14, skipped the gameplay phase and gave me the same result (deathless) each day


just saved one person bc it is most effective rest  got killed by me


A fellow elite sigma I see


I just have too many feelings to play this game.

(1 edit) (+4)

Well, that was rather horrifying. No matter how hard you try to be fair, ppl still going to die bc theres just not enough food. Only seven made it on my first run - and all children died despite me newer denying them food. The most heartbreaking part is growing numbers of rations in contrast with only few ppl to eat it. Makes you think a lot.


Genocide Route


Survived on my first game, two workers and a merchant


Just kill all the unemployed, child and student


Spared the merchants, workers and farmers.

Shot the unemployed and students to prevent stealing. Rather immorral but after playing the first time noticed how bad stealing in this game does to your progress.


Killed everyone accept the farmers, and won with just one farmer left, the others died of illness, even though I fed them good, especially those who paid...


i got bored so i shot the last guy

Lmaooo thats crazy

(1 edit) (+1)

2 farmers and a worker, Lets go!

After several tries, I made it. I had two farmers and one child.


i just killed them all

(1 edit) (+3)

i am going to have to uninstall itch so i will see all of yo guys later i do not know when but this game has gotten me threw a lot of boring classes and i hope you all have a good day i will reply to this comment when i can but is has been a good run for me on this game see all of you guys later. and thank you iavier_leleel for talking to me and please continue the genocide Chane thank you all for the good times and i hope you make more good times and once again thank you.

i survived with 5 ppl yess


i won with 36 rations


I won by spamming the 'ration' and 'no fuck off' button.


i like the gun


hello American 


hello (pulls out gun)


hello gun

(1 edit) (+2)

i killed every child and unemployed im such a great person and it worked 












Random illness is lame. Farmers are the most important to keep a live, but not much you can do when random illness takes them out.

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