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SUCH A good game. More please!


this is soooo hard on chromebook

It's like a different version of getting over it, and I like it


Gave it the necessary gameplay and title, need more games like this :p


Game broke after clicking R

love the concept i can see this getting big


Jesus christ how tf did you guys do this shit in 4 minutes

SOME TIPS FOR SPEED (keep in mind im not that good)


-during length 2, at the end of the first section (the really tight bit), pivot yourself up with the tip of the sword at the corner

-try catapulting yourself by leveraging your sword parallel to any vertical surface (this usually requires a bit of timing)

-during length 4, say lol as you save 5 minutes of your life doing the last bit of the black dungeon by making your sword go a little bit over the stupid small platform

- understand the pivot is key (VERY IMPORTANT!!!111!)

-during length 4, spam left click and right click at the tunnel part of the black dungeon while holding A to be a speedy child

-on length 5, dab as you skip the blue and black dungeon with your massive schlo- i mean sword

- get your knight's foot somewhere in this position and hold right click to rebel against the devs by doing things you aren't supposed to do

- beat the game like the gamer you are

SOME STUFF YOU MIGHT KNOW, SO IF YOU DO uh good job gold star

Thank you for those great pics, really helped me!


Took me almost half and hour because of the final section, broke a mouse by accident in the process

10/10 would penetrate again


amazing how much easier it is on the second playthrough!


last level is still jank bullshit though


i cant play theres a blackscreen what shjould i do



Got Sub 4


git gud

Damn, you even took the longer route in Level 4

Nice try, bro


+ Nice theme, love the pixelart + animations

+ Soundtrack suits perfectly

- Unfortunately, the game isn't fun at all. Reminds of "Getting over it". Totally not my genre and lost interest after 2 minutes.

well geez


tried launching it and all i got was a black screen with nothing happening




This game is really fun and genius in concept and execution! I'd love to have it as a downloadable .exe, or to see a release version of it. Great job!

this is great! you know a game is good when it's designed to be frustrating but you just don't want to give up!

(1 edit)

Love the game, going to try to get a faster time too! 10/10

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It's pretty easy to improve, but I wish the game would work if you try to start it with the launcher. Because that only results in a black screen >-<


just to let you know that your game need gamepad support as well a possibility to rebind keyboard button considering that there are a large variety of keyboard layout, like the AZERTY layout for example.


Really annoying to try to get that pixel-perfect movement.

absolute rage game...but I had fun lol

This took me an unholy amount of time



Guys, I, I don't think that was a heart...


It was fun to play. This was my first try now im going to try once more to see if i can do it faster :3


Never thought I'd be this frustrated with my M A G N U M  D O N G
10/10 good game



lesson from this game: gravity is a bitch and you gotta make it yours.

9/10 great game, too short.

This game was fun I liked it


This dragon............Just- no yknow what? you do you 


on lvl four you can skip the entire lvl

Welp, now I'm traumatized for life :'(. I feel so dirty...

(1 edit) (+1)

first part of the last level needs a rework, its extremely janky

15 min my life...


"Is it even in?"
Hits too close man

Deleted post

cool game!! the physics took some time to figure out but they were fun to struggle against.
my first time was 15:46!

Level 5 was the point in which I needed one of the videos in the comments to help out. Twice.
Thanks, @FullThrough.

This was really fun!! and the frustration I felt was all worth it after I saw the winning screen ♥ loved it

beat it in 29, waited a minute expecting a secret, was slightly disappointed there wasn't one for waiting a minute.

The dragon slut must be befriended!!

(1 edit)

I can't move the character. edit: Reloading fixed it.

Lmao this is insanely frustrating. Very cute though

This was a very fun game! Good music, fun mechanics, lovely art style too! I look forward to whatever you do in the future with it!

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